Starting Treatment
If you need residential or activity treatments as part of your internet or video game addiction treatment, we’ll handle all the communication with the treatment centre so that they put together the right programme, properly tailored for your individual needs.
Every centre and course for video game or internet addiction will be different, so we will walk you through what to expect and address any concerns or questions you may have about the process.
Then we take all the stress and worry away.
We’ll handle payment, admission processes and transport to the centre if needed. We’ll make sure you feel completely comfortable and safe at all times so you are really able to begin your treatment in the best possible frame of mind.
During your treatment process we’ll be in constant contact with your centre or therapist to keep an eye on your progress and help you stay in touch with your family during recovery.
Then, once you complete your treatment, our help and advice services can help you stay clean and safe by providing expert guidelines and aftercare services for you and your family to ensure that you have made a positive and long-lasting change in your life.
To find out more about our caring and long-term effective treatment options for Internet and video game addiction, call us today in complete confidence to speak to one of our expert addiction counsellors.