Types of Electronic Media Addiction
For the vast majority of people of all ages, playing games on a computer or console is a normal part of their daily recreation, as is surfing the Internet or visiting social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. The vast majority of people are able to sensibly distribute their time between family, friends, work or school, other hobbies and their internet and gaming time.
Sometimes, though, things can go wrong. Perhaps a young teen finds himself playing a video game so frequently that it is affecting his school work and sports, but finds the idea of cutting down his gaming time very uncomfortable. Maybe a young woman spends so much time checking her Twitter account that she finds that she is unable to continue normal face to face relationships with friends and family, yet feels powerless to adjust her behaviour.
That’s where we come in.
Our caring and supportive addiction advisors can help you or someone you care about to recognise and take control of their use of electronic games or the internet. We provide a free support service which is just a phonecall away, as well as supplying impartial and independent advice and referrals to specialist treatment centres, counsellors and intervention specialists who can help get lives back on track and free of their digital compulsions.